Setting Up an HPC

Environment Variables

Admins will need to setup the below env vars.

  3. $BC_* (Baseline Configuration Env Vars)


Admins will need to create the below directories

  1. $PROJECTS_HOME/singularity/containers
  2. $PROJECTS_HOME/datools


mkdir $PROJECTS_HOME/datools
cd $PROJECTS_HOME/datools
git clone - (requires ssh keys)
git clone
mv iLauncher-utils utils
chgrp -R datools utils
chmod -R 775 utils


Select an HPC with all desired containers (preferably at the same DSRC as the HPC you are setting up). Archive the desired containers into a single file (tar). SCP files to HPC at $PROJECTS_HOME/singularity/containers/datools. The archive file should be quite large so a help desk ticket may be required to increase your disk quota.

mkdir $PROJECTS_HOME/singularity/containers/datools
chgrp datools datools && chmod 775 datools
cd $PROJECTS_HOME/singularity/containers/datools

scp .

tar xzvf containers.tar
chgrp datools * && chmod 775 *


Requires the below images in at *$PROJECTS_HOME/singularity/containers/datools

  • conda-cpu27.simg
  • conda-cpu36.simg
  • conda-cpu37.simg
  • conda-gpu_cuda8027.simg
  • conda-gpu_cuda9027.simg
  • conda-gpu_cuda11036.simg
  • conda-gpu_cuda11037.simg
  • conda-gpu_cuda11038.simg

Copy files from another HPC and create sym links

cd $PROJECTS_HOME/datools
mkdir conda-bin2.7 conda-bin3.6 conda-bin3.7 logs
ln -s conda-bin2.7 conda-bin2 && ln -s anconda-bin3.7 conda-bin3
scp conda-bin2.7/
scp conda-bin3.6/
scp conda-bin3.7/
cd $PROJECTS_HOME/datools/conda-bin2.7 && Create sym links as described below
cd $PROJECTS_HOME/datools/conda-bin3.6 && Create sym links as described below
cd $PROJECTS_HOME/datools/conda-bin3.7 && Create sym links as described below
cd $PROJECTS_HOME/datools && chgrp -R datools conda-bin* logs && chown -R 775 conda-bin* logs

Conda Sym Links


for cmd in python python3 dask-worker dask-scheduler \
jupyter pip pip3 tensorboard  conda-bash conda ipengine ipython ipcontroller; do
ln -s conda "$cmd"


ls -ltr
total 4
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 rlarson datools 1556 Apr 21 11:40 conda
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rlarson datools 8 Apr 21 11:51 python -> conda
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rlarson datools 8 Apr 21 11:51 python3 -> conda
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rlarson datools 8 Apr 21 11:51 dask-worker -> conda
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rlarson datools 8 Apr 21 11:51 dask-scheduler -> conda
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rlarson datools 8 Apr 21 11:51 jupyter -> conda
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rlarson datools 8 Apr 21 11:51 pip -> conda
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rlarson datools 8 Apr 21 11:51 pip3 -> conda
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rlarson datools 8 Apr 21 11:51 tensorboard -> conda
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rlarson datools 8 Apr 21 11:51 conda-bash -> conda

Cuda Stubs

Needs Updated


Copy misc directories and files from another HPC that has already been setup. Choose an HPC and replace $HPC with the fully qualified domain name in the below commands. Replace $PH with the $PROJECTS_HOME on you selected HPC in the below commands.

cd $PROJECTS_HOME/datools
scp -r $HPC:$PH/datools/utils/VM .
scp -r $HPC:$PH/datools/utils/VirtualGL .
scp $HPC:$PH/datools/utils/zeppelin.tgz .

chmod and chgrp all files and directories