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IMPORTANT: After September 05, 2022 the default and dart plugin channels will only be compatible with version 3.2.0 and later
- Fixes error “ssh.exe - Bad Image” for Windows 11
- Fixes unhandled exception regarding a TypeError on tunnel output
- Fixes developer deploy script to actually gzip OneDir file
- Fixes issue where a job’s tunnel output could cause the browser tab to freeze
- Fixes issue where app would fail to start if user could not alter mimetypes defaults
- Fixes issue when “command” not defined in plugin definition file would cause NoneType issues
- Fixes issue where system keys on Windows were too open and being denied by remote SSHD
- Improves system, node type, and plugin filtering by moving this logic to server side
- An API endpoint is now available for use by Nexus’ App Manager
- Adds new system Coral hosted by MHPCC
- Adds plugin search feature to Home page
- Jobs table will now show the specific login node for login node jobs
- Old system logs will now be auto-cleaned from user’s local system
- Fixes serveral issues with login node cleanup
- Fixes issue where CHANNEL_ROOT was not defined when executing “stop” commands
- Fixes issue where the auto-cleanup on login nodes could enter an infinite cleanup loop
- Fixes issue where killing the auto-cleanup subprocess would cause the parent process to never get cleaned up
- If the login node auto-cleanup timer is killed the cleanup should trigger immediately
- Fixes issue where a timeout would be forced on every subprocess call
- This was a feature not a bug so the behavior was not changed, but now the code properly reflects intent
- Fixes very rare issue in which a user could not pull the default-plugin-channel
- Now the user’s local default-plugin-channel mirrors list will be updated when appropriate
- Fixes broken link to HPCMP’s kerberos password help
- Fixes issue where a multi-node job would trigger a type error in the job’s cache
- Improves round-robin behavior
- Adds all available login nodes for each system
- HPC communications will now start on a random login node rather than always starting with the first login node
- Login node jobs should no longer always favor the first few login nodes
- Improves subprocess start/kill to accommodate variance in Windows/Unix
- Improves show_usage parsing by moving code so unit tests can be leveraged appropriately
- Adds Nexus-AWS system (disabled by default)
Only released to Nexus
- Fixes qstat parsing issue for Nexus AWS
- Fixes issue where processes would not be cleaned up after they timed out
- Disables system Jean by default
- Updates SCP commands to use SSH control sockets
- Adds new AFRL system Raider
- Removes decommissioned systems Gaffney and Koehr
- Fixes ssh and kerberos paths in UI (cosmetic only)
- Fixes issue were Nautilus’s mla+4 submissions would error with certain partition types
- Fixes issue were some users could not pull down the default plugin channel
- Updates the internal default channel’s mirrors list to include Carpenter, Nautilus, and Jean
- Adds env var LOCAL_TUNNEL_PORT for each application so that the remote application can know the local shh tunnel port
- Adds user facing errors and warnings for personal plugins with $CHANNEL_ROOT in command
- Disables AnalyticsGateway systems by default
- They can be reenabled via the Settings page within the Systems tab
- Removes decommissioned system Mustang
- Fixes issue where the CHANNEL_ROOT cache for a given channel may not exist
- All subscribed channels will now attempt to update on iLauncher start
- Fixes server error for certain reconnect scenarios
- Fixes local user and hostname detection when running within Analytics Gateway
- Fixes warning for path property in plugin definition files (now allows null values)
- Improves pkinit/kinit error detection for “Resource temporarily unavailable…”
- Improves job’s page debug mode to also hide warnings but not hide stop plugin messages
- Removes Centennial’s SmartQ feature file which was causing a SmartQ results anomaly
- Adds new system Carpenter at ERDC
- Fixes issue in HPC Launcher where authentication error would show even when user has a valid SSO token
- Fixes issue where whitespace around a channel’s path (not spaces in path) would cause Add Custom Channel to fail
- Improves Kerberos authentication error messages to be more easily understood by users
- Adds “Debug mode” checkbox to job page to reduce system error notifications to users. Many of these errors can be noise and not indicate a successful or failed application and/or job launch process.
- Removes decommissioned systems Onyx and Pearl
- Removes Jean’s integration modal
- Removes deprecated PostMessage passing that was created for the Portal’s AppManager
- Fixes issue when queue_stats.csv could fail to download causing iLauncher to crash
- Adds retry for job logging to ignore ssl only if first request failed
- Fixes issue introduced in v3.9.0 where a new user would get a FileNotFound error when running iLauncher for the first time
- Fixes issue where the job’s cache file, missing certain keys, could cause iLauncher to not start
- Fixes issue where navigating to another page while a modal was open would cause all of iLauncher to be “greyed” out
- Fixes issue where a Mac CI build could result in a false positive success (internal)
- Adds support for a static custom_systems.json file (initially inteded for use by HPC Access Point)
- Adds several improvements to the startup process
- automatic checks for authentication (does not require triggers by UI)
- automatic checks for system status (if kerberos authentication)
- automatic checks for channel updates (if kerberos authentication)
- does not force the queue stats file to be downloaded (only downloads if file is over an hour old)
- Improves HPCMP CAC auth on Windows by automatically adding PCSDLL to Window’s registry
- Improves error messages on kerberos authentication
- Removes deprecated Post Message support for partial job forms
- Removes the toast to tell users about applications now being launched via a toast message
- Fixes issue parsing and interpreting Reef’s show_storage output
- Fixes issue where “Add Channel” errors could take up the entire screen
- Fixes issue where an existing iLauncher folder on a Windows user’s Desktop would cause iLauncher to fail
- Now using C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\iLauncherUtils for necessary iLauncher components
- Fixes a race condition on Linux that would cause “Open Terminal” to compute node to sometimes fail
- Fixes issue where deleting a login node job would cause a server error
- Changes “Job Delete” behavior to only remove the job from UI if the job was successfully deleted on remote system
- Changes the application “Action” icons within Job’s Table to a dropdown menu
- Improves CAC authentication experience for new and/or unfamiliar users
- Adds instructions within Kerberos modal on how to get a ticket
- Updates CAC Instructions modal with the user’s path to libcackey.dll so they can easily copy/paste this path
- Adds $CHANNEL_ROOT support for plugins
- A plugin’s command, stop, parameter values, and launch script can now use the $CHANNEL_ROOT environment variable
- Backwards compatibility should exist for plugins that do not use $CHANNEL_ROOT
- Adds plugins per channel view within the Plugins tab on the Settings page
- Adds kereros authentication on server start to avoid refreshing UI every time the Flask server is restarted (developers only)
- Fixes issue where some non-http apps (Neo4J database) would trigger a failed alert when the SSH tunnel was established to the remote service as expected
- Fixes issue where plugin images would display in a “side-by-side” format
- Adds Navy system Nautilus
- Fixes performance issue when loading large log files within the Job Viewer page
- Fixes show_storage command for the AG’s whitelisted SSH commands
- Fixes issue where EventSource subscriptions (SSEs) would be disconnected by browser
- Fixes issue with false positive success message on add custom channel
- Adds terminal links for LocalCloud system for HPCLauncher (AG’s iLauncher)
- Adds an “Export Logs” feature within the Log Viewer page
- Adds warning alert for plugins that failed to load when adding, subscribing, or updating plugin channels
- Internal: Moves plugin schema out of iLauncher repo
- Fixes issue where certain plugins would not show in dropdown for an Analytics Gateway
- Fixes issue where certain systems (WSU’s Fusion) could not update plugin channels
- Fixes issue where a channel would fail to update or be added because the channel’s “mirror” property was null
- Fixes issue where a plugin’s “path” value would not be added to the proxied URL by AG (HPCLauncher only)
- Fixes issue where refreshing Show Storage and SmartQ pages would cause server heartbeat to timeout
- Fixes issue with SSH key authentication to certain systems
- Adds new ARL system Jean
- Adds “show_storage” checks for Analytics Gateway systems
- Adds a “Load Form” functionality to the “Add Plugin” feature
- Adds DSRC “center” attribute to systems (for Nexus project)
- Improves login node job cleanup
- Removes decommissioned system Centennial
- Fixes issue where “infinite” walltime from show_queues would cause Hours dropdown to be empty
- Fixes issue where AnalyticsGateway jobs would not show in jobs table
- Updates AnalyticsGateway systems metadata with “hub-to-ag” change
- Fixes issue where Windows plink.exe and ssh.exe processes would linger after a job was successfully deleted
- iLauncher should now always clean up local child procs when properly shutdown
- Fixes issue where restarting iLauncher could incorrectly show an application’s tunnel and server as ‘Up’
- Since iLauncher should now kill all local tunnels when shutdown, if a user has any jobs running then their applications will reflect as ‘Tunnel: Down’ and ‘Server: ?’ after an iLauncher restart
- Fixes issue where Windows could not reconnect to compute node applications
- Fixes issue where applications could not reconnect if the remote socket was created by a gocat prcoess
- Fixes issue where applications running on Reef would not have tunnel messages
- Fixes issue where applications in a multi-app-plugin may not have an open notification because one of the application’s had failed
- Fixes issue where checking remote socket “in-use” would always be a false negative
- Fixes issue where user would get permission denied when writing to a local key file
- Fixes issue where deleting a job could fail to kill the remote application
- Fixes issue where deleting a job would show a warning that the scheduler suddenly dropped the job
- Fixes issue where parsing Reef’s show_queues would fail on the string ‘infinite’
- The remote environment check errors should be suppressed. They will show in logs but not in UI
- Jobs should now run on Reef’s pecoc nodes just like any other node on Reef
- Adds log rotation on a fixed size rather than clearing logs on every iLauncher start
- Adds round-robin behavior to any system with less than 3 login nodes
- Failed ssh/scp calls should now retry just like systems with multiple login nodes
- Fixes issue where stopping a plugin would not always remove the plugin from the UI
- Fixes issue where the Plugin Editors toolbar would hide the Services dropdown menu
- Adds System Editor feature
- Users can now add custom system via a UI rather than manually updating the systems.json file
- Systems added through this feature should persist after iLauncher upgrades
- Adds open terminal to AnalyticsGateway (AG) systems
- Instead of launching a local terminal like HPCMP systems this will simply open a web page to the authenticated users terminal in AG
- Adds several improvements to File Manager service
- Feature to change ownership and permissions after file is uploaded to remote system
- Adds save form feature
- Adds redo feature
- Adds open terminal button to remote systems
- Adds filters to Log Viewer service
- Filter by severity
- Invert timestamp column
- Adds support for message of the day banners
- Removes the iLauncher 3.0 modal
- Removes most plugin icons from the iLauncher build. Plugin and application icons should now be packaged with their corresponding plugin definition file as base64
- Removes port 2020 for AFRL systems compatibility with latest SSO configuration
- When selecting a job, by clicking on the associated row in job table, the first application’s tunnel output should automatically be selected
- Fixes browser caching issue where users would not always get the updated Java Script when opening a new version iLauncher
- Users may still need to hard refresh their browser tab when opening this version for the fix to take effect
- Improves login node job cleanup
- Adds 24 hour timer for all login node jobs where both the job and its applications will be automatically purged after timer expires
- Adds support for Onyx’s SSO on port 22
- Fixes bug where setting the custom home path via ILAUNCHER_HOME environment variable could cause failures during setup process
- Fixes bug where loading a saved form would fail when a plugin’s application and/or parameter names had been changed since the form was saved
- Fixes bug where reconnect would fail because of variable referenced before assignment error
- Fixes issue where kerberos authentication window could fail to pull to foreground (Windows only)
- Fixes issue where ordering of dictionary matters for a partial form submission (Portal’s App Manager only)
- Major updates requiring user interaction to open an application
- iLauncher will no longer auto-open a browser tab when an application is ready
- User will recieve an “App Ready” toast in the UI requiring the user to click an “Open” button
- When applicable, user will recieve an “App Failed” toast in UI with links to the Log Viewer page and a link to submit a help desk ticket to iLauncher support
- The iLauncher browser tab will now reflect the number of notifications available for user awareness
- Adds checks for disk quota limits per system
- Runs show_storage command on target system and provides output via new tab “Show Storage” under Services dropdown in navigation bar
- Users should now recieve a warning when selecting a system in which show_storage reflects their disk quota has been exceeded
- Adds marginal improvements for the length of time taken to launch jobs. Improvements are best seen with login node jobs.
- Adds support for external iLauncher service request form
- Users can now submit issues or feature requests via an HTML form rather than writing an email directly
- Users can respond to tickets via email just as before
- Removes Vulcanite from available systems
- Fixes issue where a shared user would cause SmartQ results to fail
- Adds HYCOM channel to packged plugin channels
- Adds scheduler email support for PBS, LSF, and Slurm
- Adds support for Portal’s App Manager to show job submissions with a postmessage
- Adds ssh option “-J” to support jump hosts
- Adds system Topsy, a stand-alone Reef node for persistent services
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 5
- Fixes issue where Onyx internal SSH IP had changed
- Fixes issue where an ended job on Scout would not clean up properly
- Fixes issue where an application’s Tunnel Status and Remote Server Status would not properly reflect the actual state
- Fixes issue where channel update would fail to remove deprecated plugins allowing users to select plugin that would not work
- Adds parameter validation feature
- User can add a valid regex via the Plugin Editor and both the UI and server code will validate the user’s input against the provided regex
- Adds feature for HPC access via shared accounts
- Adds feature for Portal to submit partial forms to UI
- Adds new route ‘/jobs’ for Portal
- Adds link via plugin cards to Plugin Editor so the selected plugin will auto-load
- Adds text box for custom Queue input along with the original dropdown of pre-defined queues
- The test box will auto complete with the known queues for each system
- This should allow submission to ARS queues
- The Time dropdown will now allow the max time for each available queue
- Adds multi-select param type support
- Removes Blackbird and Hokulea from available systems
- Fixes issue where file transfers would fail when both source and destination were remote systems and one of those systems was an Analytics Gateway instance
- Fixes issue where additional properties in plugin definition files would cause the plugin to not load
- Fixes issue where a channel would fail to update
- Fixes issue where stderr would show in UI when command had a 0 return status (mostly affects Windows)
- Improves channel actions (subscribe, unsubscribe, and update) so that errors are more informative
- Adds plugin and application documentation support for channels
- See these examples on how to access documentation within iLauncher
- This feature will break backwards compatibility once the channels are updated on remote systems and has been addressed
- Adds a node monitoring viewer plugin to default plugin channel
- Basic stats such as cpu usage, mem usage, load average, hostname, and account number are tracked on a per job basis
- Currently only supports single node jobs
- Users can “Opt Out” via Settings page (“Opt In” by default)
- Adds confirmation modal when deleting a job
- Fixes issue where SmartQ results failed to show
- Fixes issue where too many ssh keys on user’s local system would cause ssh tunnel to compute node to fail
- Tunnel messages can be viewed on a per application basis versus a plugin level view
- Adds icon in jobs table for each application’s tunnel output
- Updates Job Info tab in Job’s table with a dropdown menu for each running application
- Drastically improves application launch process for multi-app plugins
- A single application’s failure(s) should not cause other applications to also fail
- Time to launch all applications is greatly improved by launching all applications back-to-back rather than waiting for previous application to launch successfully
- Adds support for a “depends_on” key/value pair for each application when application dependencies are necessary
- Improves plugin updates per channel to use the plugin hash (md5sum) and not the version
- Adds improvements to Plugin Editor’s save image aspect ratio
- Adds conditions to exit early when certain conditions are met with a dialogue box explaining the issue and recommending a solution
- Windows permissions on certain folders and files
- Existence of certain files in Windows that will cause iLauncher to fail
- Adds improvements for job launch menu when side-bar is expanded
- Adds Add Plugin feature back to Gateway systems
- Adds Blackbird and Warhawk to SmartQ results
- Adds Edit/Save feature to Setting Page, Systems Tab to avoid issue where user fails to click Confirm
- Fixes issue where Add Channel icon looked like a check box but was not (changed to different icon)
- Fixes issue where Gateway systems Node Types would be empty
- Fixes issue where Gateway channel update would fail
- Fixes issue where Plugin selection could have many duplicate plugins
- Fixes issue in SmartQ where Path Requirement check would give a false negative result
- Fixes issue where acknowledging a Remote System Environment Check alert would cause a server error
- Fixes issue where unloading a job submission form would not reset form options
- Fixes issue where the System’s modal for Gateway systems would show incorrect Node Types
- Fixes issue where no application parameters would show during Job Submission
- Fixes issue where gateway job would fail to show in UI
- Fixes issue where subscribing to a channel with only one plugin could fail to download to local system
- Fixes issue where unsubscribing from a custom channel would cause a KeyError
- Fixes issue where UI failed to alert user when a new version of iLauncher was available for download
- Fixes issue where Windows would not automatically update user’s registry with accepted remote hosts
- Major changes to plugins
- Plugins are now provided by channels which are defined on remote systems
- Plugins provided by default and other packaged channels will be updated automatically on iLauncher start
- A new “Plugins” tab has been added to Settings page to manage channel subscriptions
- Adds support for plink ssh session sharing which should help with command timeouts to remote systems (Windows only)
- Fixes issue where krb5.conf would not be set properly causing kerberos authentication issues
- Fixes issue where a user’s existing kerberos keystore would cause iLauncher’s authentication with kerberos to fail
- Fixes issue where subproject data would take a very long time to show in UI
- The first time loading data will be slow but subsequent attempts should be nearly instant
- Fixes issue where scheduler paths on remote system would be missing a backslash “/”
v2.10.0 (stable)¶
- Adds Blackbird (AFRL) support
- Adds initial support for forwarding credentials to HPCs when used from an IT Gateway
- Adds ‘Default’ web browser option in Settings
- Adds documentation for all flask endpoints (accessible via link in About page)
- Improves remote environment checking
- Fixes broken buy credit link for Gateway systems
- Fixes bug where a long running iLauncher application would spam system status checks
- Fixes bug in Plugin Editor where saving a plugin without a description would cause the plugin to not load in the editor properly
- Fixes bug where kerberos authentication on a Mac would show user as authenticated, but their ticket was actually expired
- Fixes bug where open terminal would fail if the remote host’s IP was changed
- Fixes bug where walltime of 0.5 would error
- Fixes kerberos authentication issues on Windows due to HPCMP kerberos server upgrades
- Fixes bug where job submissions to Reef would fail if greater than 23 hours
- Adds new AFRL system Warhawk
- Adds remote environment checks to assist in detecting misconfigured remote environments
- Results can be viewed in the Job Info tab per job
- Adds default tab feature on the Home page
- Minor updates correcting SCOUT’s system and scheduler information
- Moves SmartQ tab from Home page to Services dropdown on navbar
- Adds support for SCOUT and LSF
- Available plugins are Jupyter and TTYD (web terminal)
- Adds support for Microsoft OneDrive
- Fixes bug on Windows where tunneling over previously used port was allowed
- Fixes bug where the same local port could be assigned to two different applications
- Fixes bug where PBS launch scripts were not being cleaned up on HPC
- Fixes bug where Open Terminal feature would fail if first HPC login node was down
- Show Usage and Show Queues data is now updated on an hourly bases
- Provides latest kerberos kits (Mac, Windows, and Linux) to work with KDC upgrades on Nov 1, 2021
- Adds Plugin Editor feature
- Fixes File Manager error when $PROJECTS_HOME was undefined
- Updates node definitions in systems.json
- Adds more intuitive error messages for yubikey authentication
- Authentication modal will stay open with “Your password will expire …” message when appropriate
- Updates to UI for more uniform page headers
- Adds new plugin OpenSearch
IMPORTANT: All versions below will not work with HPCMP after November 1, 2021
- Fixes bug where iLauncher could fail to launch properly
- Fix lost authentication state bug for Windows
- SmartQ now considers selected account when determining queue
- FileManager estimates transfer time if coming from localhost
- SmartQ integration with FileManager to transfer missing requirements
- External log files can now be ‘uploaded’ to be viewed in the native log viewer
- Fix FileManager crash when spaces are in paths
- ElasticSearch available on Reef and as a shared database
- Neo4j plugin available
- Terminal plugin available on login nodes
- Allow environment variable to disable CAC Authentication option
- Fixed issue where log files were not displayed
- Fixed issue where deleting a login node job could freeze the UI
- Fixed issue where selecting node type after clearing HPC form would cause form to be stuck in a broken state
- Major updates to SmartQ feature
- Produces “cost” and data-driven “wait-time” estimates for iLauncher jobs optimized across all HPCMP systems and Cloud instances
- Selecting an item in the Results table will now update all fields in Cloud or HPC form except the Plugin field
- Adds new UI element for show_queues data for every available system
- Adds show_queues data to Home page HPC tab
- Both queues and node types info modals are now available for any selected system
- Adds Code Server plugin for login nodes
- Adds warning when submitting to a full HIE queue
- Utilizes show_queues data from selected system
- Updates all HPCMP plugins to use singularity 3+ by default
- Updates TensorFlow to versions 2.4 (gpu nodes) and 2.5 (other nodes) for Jupyter and Code Server plugins
- Fixes a bug where using the “Stop Plugin” feature on Onyx would fail
- Major Windows performance improvements
- Adds plink connection sharing
- Fixes tunneling to Onyx since latest STO
- Fixes race condition that could cause tunnel to compute node to fail
- Fixes bug where Queued job could be lost / ignored by iLauncher if user restarted iLauncher while job was in Queued state
- Fixes bug where delete job could cause iLauncher server to become unresponsive requireing a restart
- Fixes File Manager bug where spaces in path would cause errors
- Fixes Add Plugin bug where previous failed attempt would cause adding new plugin to also fail
- Fixes issue where iLauncher on linux could fail to open if openblas libraries where not present on local system
- Adds support for new Navy DSRC system Narwhal
- Adds TensorBoard plugin for login nodes
- Adds Account option for Reef
- Users accounts should now show in Account dropdown
- Major updates to plugin documentation
- Adds better plugin descriptions
- Adds “hello world” examples in online documentation
- Changes all anaconda modules to conda-forge modules
- Built-in File Manager: Sync files and folders between
- Local computer to/from an HPC
- Local computer to/from an Analytics Gateway Cloud instance
- HPC to/from an HPC
- HPC to/from an Analytics Gateway Cloud instance
- Anytime Plugin Feature - Dynamically add or remove a plugin on a running node without queueing a new job
- Adds audible job expiration warning - ensures time to save work when a node is about to expire
- Fixes Onyx status availability icon; Onyx was showing down after show_usage structure changed
- Fixes plugin “stop command” used by custom user plugins leveraging certain iLauncher state variables
- Defaulted Talon to a “disabled” state (overridable in Settings)
- Removes duplicate entries of in the Pearl MLA and Onyx job tables
- Upgrades Codeserver to support a built-in browser
- Establishes direct Onyx batch node terminal connections for CSH users
- Fixes bug where a user’s predefined kerberos path would cause iLauncher to crash
- Adds support for Slurm
- Adds support for Reef (MHPCC)
- Adds User-Defined / Constrained Smart Queueing (SmartQ) feature
- Adds default queue failover when HIE queue on target system is full
- Adds RShiny/Rstudio plugin
- Adds feature for users to set their own icon in plugin file
- Adds support for SSO keys
- Improves job cleanup
- Updates FileBrowser plugin to remove hidden files
- Plugins for Hokulea should now accurately reflect
- Fixes bug where reconnecting to a remote application would try to kill PID 0
- Fixes major performance impact to web browser when using log viewer
- Fixes issue where false negative job submission errors would show in UI
- Fixes bug where hours field could be incorrect after loading a form
- Adds user’s accounts from HPC’s show_usage command to Account dropdown list
- Adds load / save form feature for Cloud based systems
- Cleans up remote system file clutter by keeping launch files under a hidden directory
- Filters false negative errors from spamming UI
- Updates plugin files to have specified icon paths (plugin and application specific)
- Fixes bug on deleting a Cloud job could cause an ‘Unauthorized’ error
- Fixes bug where credit cost calculation would not trigger
- Adds hooks for iLauncher to run in the HPCMP Portal
- Bug fix to allow run for brand new Windows users.
- New Streamlined User Interface
- Access to submit jobs to HPCs and the Public Hub, AWS GovCloud and Azure GovCloud all from iLauncher dashboard.